Rivlan Baronies

Independence, Hospitality, Camaraderie

Rivlans have existed in the March since before they were called Rivlans. They had settled into a life of relative peace, the occasional internal conflicts between baronies and Vadurkin raids had become easily predicted and defended against.

Nothing prepared them for the sudden arrival of the Hadrian Empire. In less than a week after the first signs of the empire were reported, the hold of Goldenfold had fallen, and the Rivlans were officially at war. The Earldoms of the March scrambled to send resources and troops to the West to aid in the fight against the empire. They were willing at a moment's notice to rise to the defense of their fellow Rivlans.

Almost overnight, wheat scythes were reforged to arming swords, and the arrows meant for game now lay buried in men. The Rivlans fought a bloody war against this new threat, raging against their enemy with the ferocity of the bear they waved on their banner. Thanks to the Rivlan knowledge of the terrain and their use of guerilla warfare, the war drew to a stalemate.

The war raged on for ten years, the bloody standstill decimating the old way of life and replacing it with the sorrow of loss. Their supplies and forces dwindled, aggressive drafts summoned all who could hold a sword, dragging the fight out month by bloody month. The Earl of the West Marches eventually surrendered to the Hadrian Empire. the West Marches has become the empire's newest vassal state while the rest of the Rivlans are left in limbo.

The War may be officially over, but the pride of the Rivlans runs strong. The March belongs to the people of the river. Their hearts beat with pride and freedom. The March will be free as long as one Rivlan heart beats.

If you are interested in becoming a Rivlan, please refer to their style guide below.

Religious Beliefs

The Rivlans have two separate belief systems: The Primordials and their Children. Rivlans believe that the world is in a constant cycle of renewal. Only the Primordials exist across all worlds, creating and exploring each one. The Primordials are said to be immensely powerful and utterly indifferent to humans. The Gods are the offspring of the Primordials and have much more human ideas, needs, and desires. The worship of Primordials has waned over the centuries, but remain a part of the Rivlan identity.

Social Structure and Leadership

The Rivlan government is ruled by a class of nobility, which has been decided by the power of blood. The descendants of the first earls, chosen to lead by the gods, have continued to serve as the ruling power.

Over the years, through that bloodline splintering into the population and people of note being risen to nobility by current nobles, the Rivlans have developed a rich and complex web of noble heritage. Most Earls seek the advice of their Viscounts, but it is not unheard of for one to raise a known Sage or Expert to act as an Advisor and seat them among their personal council.

Relationship with the March

Rivlans are the original inhabitants of the March, each of the nine holds south of the Snostein mountains have been historical homes to the Rivlans. Within the March there were occasional periods of strife and conflict between the baronies, eventually reaching a pre-Hadrian stalemate.

With the loss of Goldenfold and the encroachment of the other three cultures, Rivlans have unified as best they could, and are now adjusting to the new relations with the Hadrian invaders and Vadurkin raiders.


Rivlans seek to restore their independence and identity within the March. The Rivlan people feel as though their foothold in their homeland shrinks with each passing day. A variety of threats, both human and otherwise encroach upon them. These conflicts have been forced upon the Rivlan people, driving them to develop new methods of war. Whether or not these conflicts can be resolved through diplomacy or steel remains to be seen.

You can see Rivlan inspiration pictures on Pinterest or check out their Spotify playlist below!