Marchers Arrivals Start
(Early Access Check-In Start)

12:00 pm March 12th

Marcher Arrivals Continue
(Regular Check-In Timeline)

9:00 am through 3 p.m. March 13th

All-March Meeting
(All-Attendee Meeting)

4:00 pm March 13th

Enter the March
(Game Start)

7:00 pm March 13th

Exit the March
(Game End)

12:00 pm March 16th

All-March Debrief
(All-Attendee Debrief Meeting)

12:30 pm March 16th

Marchers Departure
(All-Attendee Check-Out Timeline)

12:30 pm through 8 p.m. March 16th

Members will get communications about a Basic Game Schedule before the game; keep a lookout for emails and Discord announcements.

7695 Mackville Road

Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330

Lodging information and a helpful packing list can be found here.